Having a proper backup plan in place is crucial to recover your vital information in case of a data disaster.

There are two primary types of backups; a file level backup and an image level backup.

Let’s break them down and discover which one is best for your company.

file level backup will backup only the files on your computer. This type of backup isn’t going to come in handy if you require a full restore of your operating system. It is in place to save and backup documents only, not applications. File level backups are not ideal if you have a complex network – it would take a very long time to get your configurations and programs back up and functioning properly as they were previously. Your company would experience prolonged downtime which would ultimately hurt your bottom line.

An image level backup takes a virtual snapshot of your entire operating system. All of your documents, programs, application, permissions, and OS configurations are easily accessible and restorable. This type of backup can be restored to the same device, to another functioning device, or to a virtual machine. If you work in a server environment, having an image level backup in place is best practice for getting your company back up and running with little downtime should a disaster occur.


In our opinion, an image level backup is the best option. Every aspect of your network is captured and can easily be restored in the case of an emergency. Companies experience little downtime, allowing them to continue their day-to-day business operations. 


If you are currently relying on USB's or external drives to back up your company’s critical data, financials, and client information you are at high risk to lose your data.

From tax records to client information, your data is essential in running your business. When it is lost because of an unanticipated natural disaster or even worse, it is stolen, you need to make sure you can recover that data so your business can continue to operate and grow.

Data backup and recovery with B4 Networks in the Niagara Region and Simcoe County is the most important service you could ever sign up for. We specialize in data and hard drive backup as well as total system recovery. We use a unique system that backs up your domain and server information and stores it in a dissimilar server offsite, allowing us to access all your information quickly.

Here is how you will benefit from having a data and recovery service plan with us:

  • Plan for unexpected issues – they happen to everyone, and they can happen at any time. Take preventative measures today
  • Safeguard and defend your business – B4 Networks protects your data, network, and systems from hacking or virus threats so you can focus on the more important issues - like growing your business
  • Do not wait long for recovery – when your network does go down and data is lost, we'll have it back for you in no time


Regardless of your business size, you need a dependable data backup and recovery plan in place.
We can provide you with that peace of mind. Call us today at 905-228-4809 (Niagara office) or       705-885-0993 (Barrie office) and protect your company from the unexpected.