Welcome to our Technology Update Newsletter. This newsletter will be published every month and will contain insider tips to make your business run faster, easier, and more profitably, as well as Tek Tips for home and business, and more…

All issues will be published in PDF format. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can get it here free directly from Adobe’s website.

Vol XIII - Issue 7 – June 2024

In this issue:

  • 5 Annoying Tasks You Can Automate Right Now
  • If You Are Considering Cloud Computing For Your Company, DON’T Until You Read This…
  • Dr. Jordan Peterson On Why Challenge Is The Key To A Fulfilling Life

Vol XIII - Issue 6 – June 2024

In this issue:

  • How To Put Generative AI To Work For Your Business
  • How Does Your IT Company Compare? Our May 2024 Help Desk Key Performance Indicators
  • “Talent, Innovation And Relationships: The Formula For Thriving Businesses” Inspired By Marcus Lemonis

Vol XIII - Issue 5 - May 2024

In this issue:

  • Why 60% Of Data Backups Fail Businesses When They Need Them Most
  • 12 Little-Known Facts Every Business Owner Must Know About Data Backup And Disaster Recovery
  • Astronaut Buzz Aldrin’s Lessons To Achieve Impossible Dreams

Vol XIII - Issue 4 - April 2024

In this issue:

  • Trust Is The New Currency - How Wealthy Are You?
  • Mike Rowe On The Power Of Authenticity
  • Get your FREE "Cyber Security Tip of the Week"

Vol XIII - Issue 3 - March 2024

In this issue:

  • Trust Is The New Currency - How Wealthy Are You?
  • Get your FREE "Cyber Security Tip of the Week"
  • Mike Rowe On The Power Of Authenticity

Vol XIII - Issue 2 - February 2024

In this issue:

  • Show Some Love To Your Business Continuity Plan
  • The Business Owner's Guide To IT Support Services And Fees
  • Resistance To Resilience: Learning To Live Without Limits

Vol XIII - Issue 1 – January 2024

In this issue:

  • A “Culture Of Appreciation ”Improves Work And Customer Loyalty: Here’s How To Make Your Own
  • Free Cyber Security Audit Will Reveal Where Your Computer Network Is Exposed And How To Protect Your Company Now
  • Start January With A Champion’s Vision: Emmitt Smith’s Humble Advice For Success

Vol XII - Issue 12 - December 2023

In this issue:

- AI Wants To Help Us Shop – Are We Okay With That?
-Jesse Itzler’s Approach To Fight Off Complacency And Make 2024 The Best Year Yet
-The 7 Most Critical IT Security Protections Every Business Must Have In Place Now To Protect Themselves

Vol XII - Issue 11 - November 2023

In this issue:

- Here’s What Google Maps Timeline Knows About You (And It’s More Than You Think)
- If You Are Considering Cloud Computing For Your Company, DON’T, Until You Read This...
- WFH Strategies That Work

Vol XII - Issue 10 - October 2023

In this issue:

- 4 Things To Do Now To Prevent Your Cyber Insurance Claim From Being Denied
- 12 Little-Known Facts Every Business Owner Must Know About Data Backup And Disaster Recovery
- How To Implement Automation While Staying Human

Vol XII - Issue 9 - September 2023

In this issue:

- How To Safely Share Passwords With Employees
- Protect Your Critical Data As A Small Business Owner
- Remote Work Is No Joke

Vol XII - Issue 8 - August 2023

In this issue:

- Give Your Kids An Academic Advantage
- Are You A Good Listener?
- Shiny New Gadget Of The Month

Vol XII - Issue 7 - July 2023

In this issue:

- The Litmus Test For IT “Experts”
- 3 Ways To Take Back Your Life From Your Workload
- The Secret To Hiring The Right Employees For Your Business

Vol XII - Issue 6 - June 2023

In this issue:

- Co-Managed IT Can Help Your Business Succeed
- 3 Mistakes To Avoid When Hiring And Coaching
- Start Investing Today With This 4-Step Process

Vol XII - Issue 5 - May 2023

In this issue:

- Tech Tips To Power Up Your Productivity
- 2 Reasons Intelligent People Make Foolish Career Moves
- Conquering Your To-Do List: 2 Reasons You’re Not Making Progress

Vol XII - Issue 4 - April 2023

In this issue:

- Which Cyber Security Standards Apply To Your Business?
- Could a Recession Benefit Your Company?
- Let Your Employees Know You Care With These 3 Tactics

Vol XII - Issue 3 - March 2023

In this issue:

- Keep Your Business Protected By Becoming Aware Of The Most Common Types Of Cyber-Attacks
- The Most Important Word In Business? It’s Not What You Think
- 2 Selling Strategies Your Business Should Avoid

Vol XII - Issue 2 - February 2023

In this issue:

- Add An Extra Layer Of Cyber Security Protection By Utilizing Cyber Insurance
- 4 Ways To Answers Questions Like A CEO
- Boost Your Business By Improving Employee Morale

Vol XII - Issue 1 - January 2023

In this issue:

- Make 2023 A Great Year For Business With 3 Tech Resolutions
- Want To Learn Something New? Use These 5 Practical Tips
- 2 Ways To Refine Work Relationships With Young Employees

Vol XI - Issue 12 - December 2022

In this issue:

- IT News, Trends And Information You May Have
- Want To Hire More Millennials? Here’s How To Attract Them!
- 2 Challenges E-Commerce Businesses Face

Vol XI - Issue 11 - November 2022

In this issue:

- Do I Need To Upgrade My Network? 4 Amazing Benefits You’ll Experience
- They Will Love Your Reflection
- Overcome Stress And Doubt About Your Business

Vol XI - Issue 10 - October 2022

In this issue:

- Keep Your Information Secure By Using Strong Passwords
- The Secret To Job Happiness Might Be Who You Work With
- Take Advantage Of Google Reviews

Vol XI - Issue 9 - September 2022

In this issue:

- It’s Time For A Refresh! 4 Cyber Security Trainings To Do With All Employees
- 3 Questions No Leader Should Ever Ask
- These Marketing Trends Didn’t Go Out Of Style

Vol XI - Issue 7 - July 2022

In this issue:

- Do I Need A Compliance And Cyber Security Plan?
- Shiny New Gadget of the Month
- 8 Tips To Reach The Top Of Your Field

Vol XI - Issue 6 - June 2022

In this issue:

- How to prepare for Gen Z in the Workforce
- Shiny New Gadget of the Month
- 4 Reasons Your Marketing Campaign Needs A Landing Page

Vol XI - Issue 5 - May 2022

In this issue:

- Stay Compliant By Upping Your Cyber Security Practices
- Shiny New Gadget of the Month
- 10 Habits To Ensure Equality In Your Hybrid Team

Vol XI - Issue 4 - April 2022

In this issue:

- Work Smarter, Not Harder Tech Tips That Will Take You To The Next Level
- Shiny New Gadget of the Month
- Are You A Good Remote Leader?

Vol XI - Issue 3 - March 2022

In this issue:

- The IT Services Model Where Everyone Wins And The One Where You Lose Big
- Shiny New Gadget of the Month
- Building Your Marketing Plan Where Do You

Vol XI - Issue 2 - February 2022

In this issue:

- It’s Time To Wake Up To The Reality Of Cybersecurity In 2022
- Shiny New Gadget of the Month
- Get Different And Avoid Defeat

Vol XI - Issue 1 - January 2022

In this issue:

- The Best IT-Related Resolutions For The New Year
- Shiny New Gadget of the Month
- Don’t Give Up On You

Vol X - Issue 12 - December 2021

In this issue:

- Don't Let Hackers Ruin Your Holidays
- Shiny New Gadget of the Month
- When to Cut People From Your Team

Vol X - Issue 11 - November 2021

In this issue:

- A Proven Method To Secure Your Business’s
- Shiny New Gadget Of The Month
- Hiring The Best

Vol X - Issue 10 - October 2021

In this issue:

- Protecting Your Business From Data Disasters
- Shiny New Gadget Of The Month
- Safe, Reliable And Unique... Like A ’63 Impala

Vol X - Issue 9 - September 2021

In this issue:

- How Co-Managed IT Could Save Your Company From Financial Disaster
- Shiny New Gadget Of The Month
- How To Succeed In Business And Life In Just 8 Hours Per Week

Vol X - Issue 8 - August 2021

In this issue:

- Don't Let The Dog Days Of Summer Wreak Havoc On Your Technology
- Shiny New Gadget Of The Month
- 3 Types Of Questions You Should Never Ask As A Leader Of A Major Company

Vol X - Issue 7 - July 2021

In this issue:

- These Technologies Hold The Key To Growing Your Business
- Shiny New Gadget Of The Month
- Mastering Authentic Leadership

Vol X – Issue 6 – June 2021

In this issue:

- Breaking Bad Habits 4 Ways Your Employees Are Putting Your Business At Risk Of Cyber-Attack
- Shiny New Gadget Of The Month
- Why You’re Not Rich Yet

Vol X – Issue 5 – May 2021

In this issue:

- How To Make Cyber Security An Ingrained Part Of Your Company Culture
- Lead Like Your Life Depends On It
- Shiny New Gadget Of The Month

Vol X – Issue 4 – April 2021

In this issue:

- What You Need To Do Before Committing To A New VoIP System
- Pink Goldfish True Differentiation In The Marketplace
- Shiny New Gadget Of The Month

Vol X – Issue 3 – March 2021

In this issue:

- What Are Managed Services And Why You Should Demand This From Your IT Company
- Going Strong Or Burning Out?
- Shiny New Gadget Of The Month
- 3 Simple Yet Effective Ways To Boost Employee Morale

Vol X – Issue 2 – February 2021

In this issue:

- You NEVER See It Coming! But Once It Hits, Everyone Says, “I Wish I Would Have _____”
- Production Vs. Connection -The Ailment And The Cure
- Shiny New Gadget Of The Month
- 3 Ways To Protect Your Data During COVID-19

Vol X – Issue 1 – January 2021

In this issue:

- Finally Shed The Old This Year It’s Costing You Much More Than You Think
- 6 Time Management Tips For The Busy Entrepreneur
- Shiny New Gadget Of The Month
- 4 Ways To Make Sure Your Business Is Ready For What 2021 May Bring

Vol IX – Issue 12 – December 2020

In this issue:

- Cybercriminals Confess: The Top 3 Tricks And Sneaky Schemes They Use To Hack Your Computer Network That Can Put You Out Of Business
- Successfully Convince A CEOIn 3 Steps
- Shiny New Gadget Of The Month
- Top Business Apps To Get You Organized

Vol IX – Issue 11 – November 2020

In this issue:

- 4 Questions Your IT Services Company Should Be Able To Say “Yes” To
- 4 Steps To Move Your Business From Defence To Offence During Times Of Disruption
- Shiny New Gadget Of The Month
- Is Working From An Office More Secure Than Working Remotely?

Vol IX – Issue 10 – October 2020

In this issue:

- Employees Are Letting Hackers Into Your Network ...What You Can Do To Stop It
- The Leader’s Most Important Job
- Shiny New Gadget Of The Month
- Do These Things To Protect Your Business From Getting Hacked

Vol IX – Issue 9 – September 2020

In this issue:

- Why Your Business Is The PERFECT Target For Hackers... And What You Need To Do NOW To Protect Yourself
- Make An Impact
- Shiny New Gadget Of The Month
- Back To Basics

Vol IX – Issue 8 – August 2020

In this issue:

- The #1 Mistake Companies Make With Their IT
- The Rest Is My Job
- Shiny New Gadget Of The Month
- The ‘Not Me!’ Problem ...

Vol IX – Issue 7 – July 2020

In this issue:

- 3 Critical Cyber Security Protections EVERY Business Must Have In Place NOW To Avoid Being Hacked
- Building Confidence As A Business Leader
- Shiny New Gadget Of The Month
- 3 Technology Truths For Transforming Your Business

Vol IX – Issue 6 – June 2020

In this issue:

- Making This One Mistake With Your Network Can DESTROY Your Business
- The Many Faces Of Corporate Leaders
- Shiny New Gadget Of The Month
- Do These 4 Things To Grow Your Business

Vol IX – Issue 5 – May 2020

In this issue:

- 3 Ways To Stop Cybercriminals Cold In Today’s Crazy Times
- How To Deal With Increasing Customer Expectations
- Shiny New Gadget Of The Month
- A Public Service Offer To Niagara Business Owners/Managers Coping With Covid-19

Vol IX – Issue 4 – April 2020

In this issue:

- Cybercriminals Are Counting On You Letting Your Guard Down During This Global Pandemic – Here’s How To Stop Them
- Anticipating Customer Needs
- Shiny New Gadget Of The Month
- A Public Service Offer To Niagara Business Owners/Managers Coping With Covid-19

Vol IX – Issue 3 – March 2020

In this issue:

- 5 Signs You’re About To Get Hacked — And What You Can Do To Prevent It
- Who Is Responsible For Your Corporate Culture?
- Shiny New Gadget Of The Month
- Don’t Make This Critical Mistake In Your Business

Vol IX – Issue 2 – February 2020

In this issue:

- If You Think Your Business Is Too Small To Be Hacked ... You’re A Cybercriminal’s #1 Target
- 3 Reasons Why Recessions Are Awesome For Great Companies
- Shiny New Gadget Of The Month
- 7 Things To Do So You DON’T Get Hacked When Shopping Online

Vol IX – Issue 1 – January 2020

In this issue:

- Top Strategies I Learned To Fight Off Complacency And Get Out Of My Comfort Zone
- 6 Time Management Tips For The Busy Entrepreneur
- Shiny New Gadget Of The Month
- 3 Tips You Need To Know To Protect Your Small-Business Data So You Don’t Get Hacked Change passwords every 90 days.

Vol VIII – Issue 12 – December 2019

In this issue:

- Cybercriminals Are Taking Aim At Your Business... Is Your Network Protected?
- What A Football Coach Can Teach You About Getting Better
- Shiny New Gadget Of The Month
- 4 Ways Technology Can Improve Your Business

Vol VIII – Issue 11 – November 2019

In this issue:

- 4 Things You Should Absolutely Demand From Your IT Services Firm
- 7 Ways To Make Your Business Money While You Sleep
- Shiny New Gadget Of The Month
- Don’t Make This $10,000-An-Hour Mistake

Vol VIII – Issue 10 – October 2019

In this issue:

- 3 Ways To Prevent Your Employees From Leaking Confidential Information
- The Power Of Punctuality
- Shiny New Gadget Of The Month
- These Are The Biggest Privacy Threats You Face Online Today

Vol VIII – Issue 9 – September 2019

In this issue:

- Top 4 Strategies I Learned From Daymond John To Improve Leadership And Grow My Business
- Confidence
- Shiny New Gadget Of The Month
- Ways To Protect Your Business From Getting Hacked…Are You Doing All Of These?
- The Truth About Employee Engagement

Vol VIII – Issue 8 – August 2019

In this issue:

- 3 IT Investments You Should NEVER Skimp On
- 4 Reasons CEOs Should Plan For Failure And Encourage Risk-Taking
- Shiny New Gadget Of The Month
- Don’t Ignore This Serious Health Concern
- Do You Have These 3 Things Every Business Needs To Be Successful?
- What The Heck Is An AUP... And Why Do You Want It?
- See You At The Top

Vol VIII – Issue 7 – July 2019

In this issue:

- The Shocking Truth Behind The Growing Cybercrime Threats You Face... And What You Can Do NOW To Protect Your Company
- Top Tips For Giving Better Speeches
- Shiny New Gadget Of The Month
- The 3 Keys To A Trust-Based Work Environment
- The #1 Threat To Your Security Is ...
- Rework By David Heinemeier Hansson and Jason Fried

Vol VIII – Issue 6 – June 2019

In this issue:

- Top 3 Leadership Strategies I Learned From Peyton Manning Get
- The Questions Entrepreneurs Need To Ask To Succeed
- Shiny New Gadget Of The Month
- 4 Things You Should Do RIGHT NOW To Protect Your User Account In Case It Gets Hacked
- The Simplicity Cycle
- Does Your Company Have Internal IT That’s Okay, We Can Still Help CO-Managed IT Is Here
- Do You Know Someone That Needs Computer Support?
- Are Your Company’s Digital Credentials for Sale on the Dark Web?

Vol VIII – Issue 5 – May 2019

In this issue:

- Are YOU Prepared For The End Of Windows 7?
- Shiny New Gadget Of The Month
- Expect, Inspect, Correct
- Read These Top Tips To Avoid Getting Hacked!
- Pour Your Heart Into It By Howard Schultz
- Disaster Planning Essentials Report Free Immediate Download
- Are Your Company’s Digital Credentials for Sale on the Dark Web?

Vol VIII – Issue 4 – April 2019

In this issue:

-What Is Managed IT Services And Why Should You Demand It From Your IT Services Company?
-5 Ways To Answer Questions Like A CEO3 Ways To Make Your Customers Love You
-Shiny New Gadget Of The Month - LG Signature OLED TV R9
- Do You Really Want The Cheapest Computer Technician Working On Your Company’s Network?
-The #1 Way Hackers Access Your Network (And How To Prevent It From Happening)
-Client Spotlight
-Disaster Planning Essentials Report Free Immediate Download
- Press Release

Vol VIII – Issue 3 – March 2019

In this issue:

-The #1 Mistake Your Employees Are Making Today That Lets Cybercriminals Into Your Network
-The Self-Made Myth: All Business  Leaders Had Help Along The Way
-3 Ways To Make Your Customers Love You
-Client Spotlight
- An URGENT Security Warning For Businesses Running Windows 7 Or Windows Server 2008 R2
-Shiny New Gadget Of The Month - Bringing The Peephole Into The 21st Century: The Ring Door View Cam
-Free Cyber Security Audit Will Reveal Where Your Computer Network Is Exposed And How To Protect Your Company Now

Vol VIII – Issue 2 – February 2019

In this issue:

-Sneaky Ways Cybercriminals Access Your Network And What You Can Do To Prevent It Today
-Watch Your Doors
-4 Reasons You Should Move Your Data To The Cloud Today
-Top Tactics To Improve Company Culture
-Shiny New Gadget Of The Month - The Movi
-Client Spotlight
-Do You Know Someone That Needs Computer Support?
-Why Your Business Should Be Using Two-Factor Authentication

Vol VIII – Issue 1 – January 2019

In this issue:

-The Top 3 Lessons I Learned From Shark Tank’s Robert Herjavec For Growing A Multimillion-Dollar Business From Rags To Riches
-Good Morale Means Profitability
-4 Ways Your Employees Will Invite Hackers Into Your Network
-Use These 3 Strategies To Break Your Bad Tech Habits
-Shiny New Gadget Of The Month - GE’s New Smart Microwave
-Client Spotlight
-Do You Know Someone That Needs Computer Support?
-Are IT Issues Ruining Your Workplace Productivity?